Hey!! Friends, welcome to Introduction to Javascript. It is a trending technology in current time and also very important. In the past, it is used for Frontend only, but nowadays, it also uses Backend.
This article will discuss JavaScript, its history, which browser it is supported, etc. is. No practical thing happens in this section.
If you missed the tutorial of CSS and HTML then must read the previous article.
Introduction to Javascript (JS):
Before we start writing about JavaScript, let’s get started with some basic concepts of introduction to Javascript. It’s very common to see JavaScript referred to as one of the three fundamental (basic) languages of web pages. We have the HTML for content and structure. What will be the headline, how many divisions are on a page, how many paragraphs do we have, and what are the contents of paragraphs of a page? Then CSS, the style sheet language, is used for the presentation or styling of the webpage. What font does the headline use, what’s the background color of a web page, and the width of the div where the paragraphs are present? And JavaScript, is the programming language for our behavior, performance, and user experience. What happens when we mouse over a menu, what happens when we type the wrong value in a form field?
About JavaScript
JavaScript is a programming language that we’ll often hear it referred to as a scripting language. Sometimes we hear some software developers dismiss JavaScript as just being a scripting language. And the reason is that JavaScript is intentionally limited. I can’t write a desktop application in JavaScript the way I might do with C++ or Java or .NET or Objective-C. But nowadays, it is not limited anymore; it is widely used everywhere.

Where does it work?
JavaScript only works inside the application in the web browser. Maximum all browsers have a javascript engine, whether it’s IE or Safari or Firefox or Chrome or Opera, they all have a JavaScript engine inside them. We can say it sequence that the operating system runs the web browser, the web browser contains a page, and the page contains JavaScript. Now one common question is here, is JavaScript limited? The answer is yes, it can not have access to the file system of the computer where it’s running on. There are no words in JavaScript to open or save local files because of security risks. There is nothing in JavaScript to talk to a database or target a USB port. And that strikes some software developers as odd because most languages are all about input and output, and JavaScript isn’t. But of course, they’re missing the point.
The purpose for developing JavaScript
JavaScript wasn’t designed as a general-purpose programming language, it is designed to work on web pages, and it is doing that very well. Now, as we know, when a user opens their browser and requests a page from a website, they just send HTML and CSS code as plain text, and we let their browser take care of interpreting it. Javascript is the same for all devices, whether it’s mobile, whether it’s on laptops, or desktops.
JavaScript is a client-side language. It is sent to the user’s computer, and then it runs there. That’s as against server-side technologies like PHP, .NET, and Ruby on Rails. They’ll perform their code on the web server and send the results to the client. But with JavaScript, we just send our code to the client, and we let them run it.
The History of JavaScript

JavaScript is everywhere in the programming world, and for the seventh year in a row, it has been ranked the most commonly used programming language, with 67.8% of developers employing it in 2019. Its ascent to the world’s most popular programming language is synonymous with the rise of the internet itself. It was developed in 1995.
Created out of necessity, Javascript uses in building 95.2% (1.52 billion) of websites today, including some of the world’s largest sites, like Facebook and YouTube. Without it, we would not have popular and useful web apps, such as Google Maps and eBay.
So, let’s look at what JavaScript is, how, and why it is created without any delay. And what’s next for the language?
Developer Environment
What do you require to develop JavaScript? The solution is simple – any web browser, likewise Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox.
Most browsers come up with developer tools that allow us to,
- View the page renders on the browser
- View the HTML and JavaScript code
- Debug JavaScript code
- View the console tab to take input commands.
Above all about the introduction to javascript. In the coming tutorial on javascript, we will discuss the variable, Datatypes, Print statements, etc.
For now, thank you for being here 🙂