Optimization Techniques MCQs

This is a set of 20 questions or MCQs on Optimization Techniques. For different topics, MCQs click here. 01. A constraint of the type greater than or equality sign can beconverted…

MCQs on Data Communication and Networks

This is a set of 20 questions or MCQs on data communication and networks. For different topics, MCQs click here. 01.)In FM the frequency of the carrier is modulated according to…

Data Communication and Networks MCQs

This is a set of 20 questions or MCQS of data communication and networks. For different topics, MCQs click here. What is Data Communication and Networks(DCN)? Data communications refer to…

Basic IP Awareness Assessment

Here we are presenting some MCQs on Basic IP Awareness Assessment. What is IP? An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected toa computer network that uses…

Computer Graphics 30 MCQs

Hi folks, welcome back to our new article on computer graphics 30 MCQs. This is the 4thset of MCQ on computer graphics. Computer Graphics and Multimedia MCQ 1.The standard aspect ratio…

MCQs on Machine Learning (NLP)

Here, We introduced a set of 20 questions MCQs on Machine Learning which is based on the Natural Language Processing(NLP) topic of ML.

MCQs on Computer Graphics Questions & Answers

Hey!! Guys, welcome to our blog. I hope this article is quite useful for you. This is the set of MCQs on computer graphics or  MCQs for computer graphics. Note: If you missed…

Artificial Intelligence MCQ Questions & Answers

This article is a set of Artificial Intelligence MCQ, and it is based on the topics – Agents,state-space search, Search space control, Problem-solving, learning, and many more. If you missed the previous…

Digital Image Processing MCQs with Answer

Here, we have presented a set of 25 questions on digital image processing MCQs which helps you in your semester examinations or many interviews.

MCQs on Artificial Intelligence(Multiple Choice Questions)

This article is a set of MCQs on Artificial Intelligence, and it is based on the topics – Scope of AI and Artificial intelligence techniques. MCQs on Artificial Intelligence: 1.…