Environment Sustainability is the pledge to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and wellbeing, now and in the future.
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Environment Sustainability Questions and Answers are the following:
1.) You want to purchase new fans for your new home. You visit an appliance showroom where you are given a demo of energy efficient BLDC fan which does not aesthetically appeal to you. Meanwhile, you also spot a fancy-looking fan though less energy efficient. What would you do?
A.) Buy the fancy-looking fan, as you are more concerned about aesthetics
B.) Move out of the shop as you want to wait for fancy-looking energy-efficient fans to arrive in the market!
C.) You are convinced by the demo & buy the energy-efficient fan as you think this will help you in cutting down the energy cost
D.) None of the above
2.) You have planned to move into your new house next month and you visit a shop to purchase lights. Which option would you select, as a person who cares for the environment?
A.) Choose normal CFLs as I am used to these at my existing house
B.) Choose LEDs as they are energy-efficient systems and consume much less power
C.) Choose the cheapest ones without bothering about the make or energy rating
D.) Both a & b
3.) It’s 8.30 PM and you are still in the office due to some urgent work that keeps you working for a long! It is bright inside the ODC and you wonder why there are so many lights ON at that time with just 2-3 associates working. What would you do?
A.) Continue working as this is not your concern
B.) Look for a housekeeping person so that you can inform them to switch the extra lights off
C.) Write an email to the admin to take some action as it’s their job!
4.) You have newly joined a company that has an associate program to encourage carpooling. You come to know of fellow colleagues who travel by a shared vehicle from your apartment complex. What would you do?
A.) Prefer to take private transport as it is more convenient
B.) You decide to travel in the shared vehicle with the objective to protect the environment by avoiding the use of more fuel
C.) You are confused and want to consult your supervisor
5.) As a project team member delivering software solutions, you are involved in several calls and meetings with your customers. During a few such meetings, you come across solutions that can help customer reduce their environmental impact. What should you do?
A.) Keep quiet as it does not pertain to your deliverable currently
B.) Discourage the customer from such projects and keep the discussion restricted to the current scope of work
C.) Have a dialogue with your supervisor to explore what Company can do in this space of IT for Green
6.) Your housing society plans to install a rainwater harvesting system in the compound, though your location has not faced any water shortage issues in the past. Society needs you to make a small monetary contribution towards this initiative. What would be the most appropriate action?
A.) Enquire about the project, understand the implementation process and then make a necessary contribution
B.) Question the need for such a project as it is a waste of money to have rainwater harvesting in your locality
C.) Ignore society’s request for money as it is not mandatory to make a contribution.
7.) Which are the pillars of sustainability?
A.) People
B.) Planet
C.) Profit
D.) Plant
8.) You are working at an office campus which had a green patch. Earlier the patch was covered with beautiful flora and fauna species but now it is in bad condition. What could you do?
A.) Write to the Admin team to plan a new ODC to use the space better
B.) Request them to consider having a concrete wall around the green patch so that it won’t be visible anymore to those who pass by
C.) Ensure the admin team takes necessary steps to restore the green patch through appropriate interventions
D.) Ignore it as it is not your concern
9.) What are the best ways in which you can help & encourage your friends & family in preserving nature and biodiversity?
A.) Purchase sustainable products
B.) Adopt Reduce, Reuse, Recycle philosophy
C.) Use bicycle/ electric vehicles/ public transport more often for commuting
D.) All of the above
10.) Improper waste management can lead to
A.) Air pollution
B.) Contamination of surface and groundwater
C.) Land and soil pollution
D.) Health issues
E.) All of the above
11.) Rail ticket/ Air ticket and ID proof are important documents to carry for domestic travel. How do you ensure that these documents are available while preparing for your trip?
A.) Take printouts of both ticket & ID proof, as it is easier to carry hard copies of the document
B.) Take multiple prints out of ticket & ID cards as I may misplace the copies
C.) Take printouts of just the ticket as you already have original ID proof
D.) Go paperless as e-ticket & original ID proof /e-ID are enough
12.) You recently moved to a new city and have a list of around 50 grocery items to purchase. Unfortunately, you are not aware of where you can find those items in your locality. What all can be the best way to shop
A.) Shop items from multiple stores which comes in your way of travel. You might end up with multiple disposable carry bags at your place
B.) Check with the locals for a store where you can find all the items at one place and head towards it carrying your own cloth bags
C.) Ask someone to get the items for you, hoping he/she shops responsibly
D.) Order products online from a website, which uses eco-friendly packaging
13.) Imagine you are at a shopping mall. Looking at your favorite brand store you saw “Sale” signages. What will do you?
A.) go inside and buy some apparel because you love the brand, even if you don’t need the goods now
B.) You buy apparel & accessories because you think it’s now or never
C.) Since you don’t really need apparel or accessory, you walk away from the store
D.) You love the brand but you don’t find it a sustainable fashion brand as they use a lot of packaging material
14.) While buying fruits at a grocery store, you should
A.) Look for imported varieties
B.) Select locally grown and sourced varieties
C.) Go for the fruits with fancy packaging
D.) Go for fruit that appeals to you without worrying about its origin & packaging
15.) Which among the following is the most significant source of Green House Gas (GHG)
A.) Forest
B.) Fossil fuel combustion
C.) Human exhalation/expiration
D.) Wood chulas in rural households in India
E.) None of the above
16.) Your personal laptop stopped working and you replaced it with a newer model with the latest features What do you do with the old laptop? Select multiple options
A.) Return the laptop to the manufacturer for safe disposal
B.) Give it for repair and check if this can be used by someone in need
C.) Throw the laptop away
D.) None of the above
17.) It’s a bright sunny day and you plan to visit a historic fort in the city. You are not sure how big the Fort is and are concerned about whether a drinking water facility is provided by the authority there. What will be your plan in such situations?
A.) Carry your own water in a disposable bottle and throw it away after use
B.) Buy a disposable water bottle on your way to Fort
C.) Carry your own water in a reusable bottle
D.) None of the above
18.) You are planning to purchase a new car and you come across the headlines in a newspaper article that, “M/s ABC Ltd, a national brand has launched the World’s most advanced electric car at a competitive price tag with minimum impact on the environment”. Your thought about it?
A.) You don’t care much about this article
B.) You start doing your own research about the product and look for a way to purchase it
C.) You take a pass, because, at that price range you can buy a petrol/diesel car
D.) None of the above
19.) Which of the following is not a biotic element?
A.) Birds
B.) Sunlight
C.) Forests
D.) Animals
20.) Sustainable development can be achieved by
A.) controlling pollution
B.) controlling the growth of the population
C.) restricting the use of renewable resources
D.) all of these
Environment Sustainability and governance Question and answers
Question Number. | Question Answer |
1.) Answer | C.)You are convinced by the demo & buy the energy-efficient fan as you think this will help you in cutting down the energy cost |
2.)Answer | B.) Choose LEDs as they are energy-efficient systems and consume much less power |
3.) Answer | B.)Look for a housekeeping person so that you can inform them to switch the extra lights off |
4.) Answer | B.) You decide to travel in the shared vehicle with the objective to protect the environment by avoiding the use of more fuel |
5.) Answer | C.) Have a dialogue with your supervisor to explore what Company can do in this space of IT for Green |
6.) Answer | A.) Enquire about the project, understand the implementation process and then make a necessary contribution |
7.) Answer | A.)People, B.) Planet, C.) Profit |
8.) Answer | C.) Ensure the admin team takes necessary steps to restore the green patch through appropriate interventions |
9.) Answer | D.) All of the above |
10.) Answer | E.) All of the above |
11.) Answer | D.) Go paperless as e-ticket & original ID proof /e-ID are enough |
12.) Answer | B.) Check with the locals for a store where you can find all the items at one place and head towards it carrying your own cloth bags D.) Order products online from a website, which uses eco-friendly packaging |
13.) Answer | C.) Since you don’t really need apparel or accessory, you walk away from the store D.) You love the brand but you don’t find it a sustainable fashion brand as they use a lot of packaging material |
14.) Answer | B.) Select locally grown and sourced varieties |
15.) Answer | B.) Fossil fuel combustion |
16.) Answer | A.) Return the laptop to the manufacturer for safe disposal B.) Give it for repair and check if this can be used by someone in need |
17.) Answer | C.) Carry your own water in a reusable bottle |
18.) Answer | B.) You start doing your own research about the product and look for a way to purchase it |
19.) Answer | B.) Sunlight |
20.) Answer | D.) all of these |
Environment Sustainability Environment Sustainability Environment Sustainability Environment Sustainability
environment sustainability environment sustainability environment sustainability environment sustainability environment sustainability environment sustainability environment sustainability