This is a set of 20 questions or MCQS of data communication and networks. For different topics, MCQs click here.
What is Data Communication and Networks(DCN)?
Data communications refer to the transmission of this digital data between two or more computers and a computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data.Â
01). An Unauthorized access is network ____ issue
a. Performance
b. Reliability
c. Security
d. Accountability
02). The rules that govern data communication is called ____.
a. Syntax
b. Protocol
c. Standards
d. Semantics
03). Topology that is multi-point is_____.
a. Star
b. Mesh
c. Ring
d. Bus
04). As the frequency increases the period
a. Increases
b. Remains unchanged
c. Decreases
d. Changes inconsistently
05). Error Control is a function of
a. Physical Layer
b. Network Layer
c. Datalink Layer
d. None of the above
06). HDLC is
a. High Density Layer Control
b. High Definition Layer Control
c. High-level Data Link Control
d. None of the above
07). Checksum is used to
a. Detect errors in the data
b. Recover the data from errors
c. Both a and b.
d. None of the above
08). Go-Back-N Protocol ensures
a. Retransmission of all frames
b. Retransmission of only corrupted frames
c. Retransmission of corrupted frames and subsequent frames.
d. All the above
09). A Local Area Network(LAN ) is confined to
a. Large area
b. Small area
c. Both a and b.
d. None of the above
10). Baseband LAN is a
a. Single channel, analog LAN
b. Multichannel, analog LAN
c. Single channel, digital LAN
d. Multichannel, digital LAN
11.) IEEE 802.2 standard works on
a. Connectionless mode
b. Connection-oriented mode
c. Both a and b .
d. None of the above.
12).Size of source address field iu an Ethernet frame is
a. 2 bytes
b. 6 bytes
c. 4 bytes
d. 3 bytes
13).In which type of switching all packets of a message follow same
a. Datagram packet switching
b. Virtual circuit switching
c. Message switching
d. None of the above.
14). __________ is a device that connects n inputs to m outputs.
a. Modem
b. Cross point
c. Cross bar
d. RAM
15). How many OSI layers are covered in X.25 standard?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Six
d. Seven
16). _________is a unique identifier which indicates a particular
Virtual Circuit on a network.
a. Virtual Channel number
b. Virtual Path identifier
c. Virtual Channel identifier
d. None of the above
17). An IP address consists of ______bits.
a. 4
b. 8
c. 32
d. Any of the above
18). Identify the class of IP address
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
19). An ARP reply is to __
a. Unicast; one host
b. Unicast; all hosts
c. Multicast; One host
d. Broadcast; all host
20). Which of the following function does UDP perform?
a. Process to process communication
b. Host to host communication
c. End to end reliable data delivery
d. All the above
Answer of Data Communication and Networks
01.c |
02.b |
03.d |
04.c |
05.c |
06.c |
07.a |
08.c |
09.b |
10.c |
11.c |
12.b |
13.b |
14.c |
15.b |
16.c |
17.c |
18.b |
19.a |
20.a |