This is the set of 15 Azure Management Tools MCQs for your basic knowledge of Azure.
1. Which cloud offering focuses on the consumption of services?
Ans: SaaSÂ —Â Correct
2. Which of the following statements are correct?
Ans: All the options mentioned — Correct
3. Which one of the following services is a NoSQL data store?
Ans: Tables — Correct
4. You can view the latest data center map and Pay as You Go subscription information in (the)?
Ans: Azure Dash Board — Correct
5. In which operating system, we can use Azure PowerShell?
Ans: Windows OSÂ —Â Correct
6. Azure is Microsoft’s ____ as a Service Web hosting service.
Ans: Infrastructure — Correct
7. In which operating system, we can use Azure CLI?
Ans: All the options mentioned — Correct
8. High available applications are________.
Ans: All the options mentioned — Correct
9. When using Azure Resource Manager, you can use a _______________ for deployment, which can build identical environments for different work scenarios such as testing, staging, and production.
Ans: Template —  Correct
10. The new Azure Portal is accessed using ___________.
Ans: https:\\  — Correct
11. If you have to replace your current on-premise services in the form of virtual machines, then you can use Microsoft Azure cloud categorized as______.
Ans: IAASÂ Â —Â Correct
12. Which of the following is the older service management model, where cloud services contain your cloud resources?
Ans: Classic Portal — Correct
13. Which of the following web applications can be deployed with Azure?
Ans: All the options mentioned — Correct
14. Azure Storage plays the same role in Azure that ______ plays in Amazon Web Services.
Ans: S3 —Â Correct
15. How do you register a user control?
Ans: Add Src, Tagprefix, Tagname — correct
azure management
Azure Management Tools MCQ Azure Management Tools MCQAzure Management Tools MCQ