Constructor in Java

In this article. you will know what is Constructor in java? how is it works with some example?

What Is Constructor in java?

A constructor is a block of similar code to the Java method. When an instance of the class is created, a constructor is invoked. At that time of calling a constructor, memory for the object is assigned in the main memory.

Unlike Java methods, a constructor in java has the same name as that of the class and it doesn’t have any return type.

Whenever a new object is created by a new() keyword, a constructor is invoked. If the program doesn’t have any constructor then a default java constructor is called.

How to Create a Java Constructor?

There are some rules to create constructors in java. They are-

  • A Constructor name must be the same as the class name of its program.
  • A Java Constructor must have no explicit return type.
  • A constructor can not be static, final, abstract, and synchronized.

For Example:

class ConstExample{
  ConstExample() {
    // constructor body

In this example, ConstExample() is a constructor. It has the same name as the class and doesn’t have any return type.

A Java Constructor is two types: 1. Default constructor (no-arg constructor) and 2. Parameterized constructor

1. Java Default constructor (no-arg constructor)

When no parameter is present in the constructor then that is called a default constructor. Default constructor provides the default values to the object like 0, null, etc. depending on the type.

public class Const {

	int a = 10;
	boolean b;

	  public static void main(String[] args) {

	    // A default constructor is invoked
	    Const obj = new Const();

	    System.out.println("Default Value: Nothing");
	    System.out.println("a = " + obj.a);
	    System.out.println("b = " + obj.b);



constructor in java

2. Parameterized constructor

A Constructor is known as Parameterized constructor when it accepts a specific number of parameters. It is used to produce different values for distinct objects,

class Student{  
    int id;  
    String name;  
    //creating a parameterized constructor  
    Student(int i,String n){  
    id = i;  
    name = n;  
    //method to display the values  
    void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name);}  
    public static void main(String args[]){  
    //creating objects and passing values  
    Student s1 = new Student(1,"Harry");  
    Student s2 = new Student(2,"Ron");  
    //calling method to display the values of object  
constructor in java

Constructor Overloading

Constructor Overloading in java works similarly to the java method of overloading. Constructor in java is just like a java method but without return type. Constructor overloading in Java is a technique of having more than one constructor with different parameter lists. They are arranged in a way that each constructor performs a different task. They are differentiated by the compiler by the number of parameters in the list and their types.

public class Student {  
int id;  
String name;  
System.out.println("this a default constructor");  
Student(int i, String n){  
id = i;  
name = n;  
public static void main(String[] args) {  
//object creation  
Student s = new Student();  
System.out.println("\nDefault Constructor values: \n");  
System.out.println("Student's Id : " + "\nStudent Name : ";  
System.out.println("\nParameterized Constructor values: \n");  
Student student = new Student(10, "Jon");  
System.out.println("Student's Id : " + "\nStudent Name : ";  


this a default constructor

Default Constructor values: 

Student Id : 0
Student Name : null

Parameterized Constructor values: 

Student Id : 10
Student Name : John


Q. What is a non-static block in java?

Ans: Any code is written within the curly braces { } called a non-static block in java.

Q. When is a non-static block executed?

Ans: A non-static block is executed for each object that is created. It is executed before the constructor’s execution.

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